Beauty, She Said He Said

And Then Luscious Locks

One night Natalie’s magnifing bathroom mirror fell down from where it was hanging of its own accord, so I nipped online to buy a new one from Boots. While I was exploring the site I came across Argan Oil by Hair Xpertise. Natalie’s got much drier and thicker hair than I and has tried many different types of oil treatments to make it less frizzy (the Jamaican castor oil she puts on her head for 2+ hours with one of those funny gold foil shower caps). We had been using a variety of different shampoos and conditioners with argan oil (finally found a good one recently, also by Hair Xpertise), and she’s always been looking out for new things to try to tame the “Doc from Back to the Future” look, so on a whim we got the 100ml bottle of the Argan Oil.

Hair Xpertise Argan Oil

Well, it’s pretty damn good stuff. My own long hair gets mega frizzy on the first day after its washed, so using the Argan Oil is a great way to reduce the frizz and condition my hair. I actually found that it was a good interim for conditioner too, since it was harder to find a good conditioner here in Europe (I’ve found that hair conditioner isn’t as wide-spread in Europe than in NZ, Australia and UK). Aside from reducing frizz and making your hair feel great it’s got a really nice scent too.

For sure you don’t need long hair to need/use it as it softens the hair quite nicely and even adds a bit of bounce, but in my experience long hair gets tangled pretty easily, so having something extra to soften it lessens its propensity to knot.

We were really impressed with the oil so much so that it is now part of our daily morning routine, after our caffeine hits of course.  We also contacted Hair Xpertise to say how much we liked it, which is when they also introduced us to the less concentrated Maroq Oil. So perhaps if you want the same effect but moins forte, you should try that one out.

Et voila! Extra luscious locks, for him and for her.

Outfit Details

Denim jacket — Patrons
Shirt — Crazy second-hand patchwork flannel one I got from Espace Kiliwatch
T-shirt — Acne Studios
Trousers — Patrons
Socks — Acne Studios
Shoes — Converse Chuck Taylors
Sunglasses — Céline

What she said

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