
Everyone Loves F.B.

Here it is in black and white, my public declaration against my biggest social media faux pas (Facebook) on my previous social media faux pas (Instagram) – I love that I can so comfortably use that phrase due to my current self acclaimed “excellent” knowledge of French, so I used it twice! I made this public declaration after several years of what I would call “brain washing” from everyone I came into contact with, especially a close friend of mine that works at Facebook Headquarters  (yes, you know who you are). I would openly roll my eyes when people would ask if they could “add me”.  Yes, I was cynical and I guess I still am as I make it clear that it’s not a personal page but more of a “fan” page. What is worse actually? I’ll leave that for you to decide.

A lot can happen in 5 months and it seems now I have to work hard at convincing my friends that I am currently a slave to Social Media. I just can’t seem to get round those awkward moments I have found myself in lately. Friends are laughing at me, frowning and slapping the table in a playful jest yelping “as if you have a blog, don’t be so ridiculous”.  Then the realisation becomes so much worse when I describe the tone of what I do. “It’s a personal style blog. I pose in person and show those pieces I adore in my wardrobe.”  That’s when the jaw usually hits the floor and I get the biggest reaction of all. I must confess all this exhibitionism that I like to call “my biggest passion to date” gives me something to look forward to. Posting but a few words about an accessory I have recently fallen for is such a joy to wake up to every day, let alone wearing these incredible finds. Here I am, the converted, once someone my previous self would find great pleasure in mocking. Just a few days away from celebrating the 29th Anniversary of my birth I think all this has been the build-up to some kind of “mid-life crisis” (as people often like to put it) but this change has been the best of all.  Definitely, the most liberating in this confined city I now dare to call “home” … Wait! No, I don’t really, that would be going too far!

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So after all that profound mumbling what I would actually like to say is THANK YOU for all those 500 and more “likes” I had on Facebook and thank you to my handsome friend (photographed in the first photo) who, simply, convinced me.

What a load of old wind but now the New Year is nigh it is just the perfect time for such bold reflections. Also, I must not forget to mention have you “liked” Living In Clips on Facebook ? You can find the direct link on the right hand side up there.